She seems rather unfriendly, but at bottom I think she’s quite kind.
Calculating formulas and derived process of main angles of stator coil colloidization model at bottom end of spherical coordinate are introduced.
That achievement is at bottom empty?
At bottom, though, they were -- and are -- a reproach.
But at bottom, this is about a fundamental issue.
They're even shaking their bottoms at each other!
At bottom part of the map you can see a group of buildings.
A navy tugboat has been found at bottom of a marine sanctuary near San Francisco.
At bottom Bismarck was a thorough revolutionary.
Why must he be said to be a revolutionary at bottom?
Modern politics is, at bottom, a struggle not of men but of forces.
归根结底,现代政治不是人斗争, 而是力量斗争。
His calculation, therefore, though different in appearance, corresponds very nearly at bottom with that of Judge Hales.
因此,他计算虽然表面上不同, 但在本质上与黑尔斯法官计算非常接近。
" I suspect she will be careful; for she is at bottom very much afraid of you" .
[Varun] PPAs are, at bottom up, change without any policy or regulation at the federal or state level.
- [Varun] PPA 是自下而上,在没有任何政策或联邦或州一级法情况下发生变化。
It is a curious subject of observation and inquiry, whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom.
He was in a highly emotional condition due to his self-disgust and self-questioning (at bottom what he wanted to escape from was himself).
由于自我厌恶和自我质疑(归根结底, 他想逃避是他自己), 他处于高度情绪化状态。
At bottom, he had no use for the life of the Saviour—what he needed was the death on the cross, and something more.
归根结底,救主生对他没有用处——他需要是十字架上死, 以及更多。
Though so elusive, hers is such an honest nature at bottom that I don't think she has ever done anything against her conscience.
虽然如此难以捉摸, 但她内心深处是如此诚实, 我认为她从来没有做过任何违良心事情。
True, he had a fiendish desire to tease him sometimes, to poke fun at him, but at bottom he was sorry for the fellow.
诚然,有时他有一种想取笑他、取笑他强烈愿望, 但实际上他为这个家伙感到难过。
There was a sort of implicit confidence in him that he was really such a good fellow at bottom, Providence would not treat him harshly.
他有种隐隐自信, 说到底他真是个好人, 上天不会亏待他。
She was intelligent, rather good than ill-natured, at bottom cold and indifferent, but unable to endure the idea that anyone should be indifferent to her.
" Ce pauvre monsieur, " he sighed. " Evidently he had his manias but at bottom he was good. Sooner or later he must die" .
“Ce pauvre monsieur, ” 他叹了口气。“显然他有他狂热, 但本质上他是好。他迟早会死” 。